Hanteo Music Awards 2024

ARTMS has been nominated for the Emerging Artist Award at the 2024 Hanteo Music Awards.

🗓️ Voting Period:
December 23rd, 12pm KST to January 12th, 12pm KST

Evaluation Criteria:
🗳️ 30% Voting Score (50% WhosFan App + 50% BigC App)
👩‍⚖️ 30% Judge Score
🌐 40% Hanteo Global Score

Whosfan Guide (50% of Voting Score Criteria)

How to Create an Account

How to Use a Referral Code

How to Collect HMA Voting Tickets

Attendance Check:


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WhosPang Game:

How to Collect Whosfan Credits

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How to Convert Whosfan Credits to HMA Voting Tickets

Note: You cannot convert gold credits into HMA Tickets. Do NOT buy gold credits with the intention of using them to vote in this event.

How to vote for ARTMS for the Emerging Artist award

BigC Guide (50% of Voting Score Criteria)

How to Create an Account

How to Collect BigC Gems (for HMA Votes):

Attendance Check:


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How to vote for ARTMS for the Emerging Artist award

Why are we voting for the Emerging Artist Award and not the Rookie of the Year award?

We are voting for the Emerging Artist Award and not the Rookie of the Year award because ARTMS has a better chance of winning the Emerging Artist award. The Rookie of the Year award is highly competitive and dominated by a more established group, and voting only contributes 30% to the final score, with the remaining 70% determined by other data where ARTMS is at a disadvantage. By focusing on Emerging Artist, we can direct all our efforts toward a category where ARTMS has a real chance of winning.