USA Charts

Physical sellers that count towards Billboard Hot 100, Billboard 200 & Billboard World Albums

Only four albums per transaction will count towards the chart.Transactions of 10 or more albums will result in NONE counting towards the chart.All sellers listed below also count towards both Circle Album Chart & Hanteo Physical Record Chart.

Digital sellers that count towards Billboard Hot 100, Billboard 200, Billboard World Digital Song Sales & Billboard World Albums

    When buying an album digitally, 10 singles downloaded is equivalent to 1 album sold.    A fully downloaded album is also equivalent to 1 album sold when purchasing digitally.    For Billboard charting purposes, only 1 purchase per customer will be counted per week for both songs and albums. "Bulk purchases" of two or more items will not be considered for sales count.Note: utilizing the "Gift" feature in iTunes will not be counted as a sale towards any Billboard chart.

Streaming services that count towards Billboard Hot 100 & Billboard 200